How to write an essay
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Painted History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Painted History - Essay Example As to the verifiable setting of the work of art, the Death of Socrates painting was finished only a couple of years before the French upheaval. It is questionable that the famous bit of craftsmanship may have been especially roused by the socio-political atmosphere that existed in France at the hour of its bonus. For instance, this was the period when the calls for changes were progressively warming up and, along these lines, David may have picked the neoclassical subject as a methods propelling the call for benevolence and promise to standards even with mistreatment and passing simply like Socrates did (Vidal 596). The artistic creation additionally depicts the message of suffering as Socrates was viewed as a saint for his goals and convictions. In any case, for the peers of the time, the artwork could have been an impression of the quantity of political detainees who were confronted with execution of outcast. The degenerate French government of the time had additionally quite recently squashed the prior endeavors to changes before inevitably dissolving the Assembly of Notables in 1787. Furthermore, during the work of art of â€Å"The passing of Socrates†, the craftsman Jacques-Louis David may likewise have needed to mirror the Enlightenment estimations of the late eighteenth century that especially underscored on the significance of human opportunity from religion and degenerate systems just as the benefit of supporting standards, rights and standards. The greater part of these ideas were unmistakably represented in the narrative of the passing of Socrates. David was a solid supporter of changes and progressive standards. Subsequently, just before the French upset, the composition served a call for opposition and obligation notwithstanding uncalled for power. This is an image of individuals seeing another image. The work of art especially shows individuals seeing a colossal image of Napoleon during the delegated of Empress Josephine. The image â€Å"David’s Coronation at the Louvre†was shown on a few events at the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Iron Jawed Angels Toulmin Free Essays
Of the numerous particular characteristics an individual may hold, Leadership has gotten one of the best. A pioneer is somebody perceived on account of their undying mental fortitude, quality, and enthusiasm just as numerous other eminent characteristics. Grounds: A pioneer is somebody who stands apart from the group and assumes responsibility to achieve an assignment or objective. We will compose a custom paper test on Iron Jawed Angels Toulmin or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now For instance, in the film, Iron Jawed Angels, Alice Paul demonstrated incredible initiative in her battle for woman’s testimonial. She conflicted with the chances as well as took order by beginning the WON, isolating herself from NASA. Alice Paul indicated quality and boldness as she picketed before the White House just as starving herself in jail, beginning a craving strike. Another prime case of administration is Lucy Burns, who was a visionary that made a move in battling for woman’s rights close by Alice. Subsequent to being tossed into a woman’s jail, Burns requests the superintendent regard their privileges, just to be handcuffed with her arms over her cell entryway. Alice and Lucy filled in as models for the others through their energy and conviction. The insubordinate soul of the two more youthful activists is as a distinct difference to the metal moderate more established ladies. They had no vote, no political clout, no equivalent rights. In any case, what they needed under the law they compensated for with cerebrums, assurance and mental fortitude. Warrants: After arrangement of occasions that pushed the lady suffragists down, they returned more enthusiastically and more grounded with more power and significantly more assurance. Their jobs as pioneers developed the more they battled. The woman’s objective to gain their entitlement to cast a ballot was a fight that tested their internal capacities as well as the accomplishment of the WON. They were daring regardless of risk, they demonstrated insight in their political discussions, and they offered want to all ladies who were dealt with inconsistent. Their notoriety tailed them as their obligation as pioneers and guide to others developed. Support: During the hour of war, the ladies considered it to be a chance to continue battling for their privileges. They would not let their battle for testimonial blur as did during the Civil War. The ladies battled Woodrow Wilson to help the testimonial development just as battled Congress utilizing the media to pick up help. From hanging standards during ingression’s gatherings to walking the avenues in Washington, Alice and Lucy held their heads high disregarding their oppressors. Their impact developed as their battle for their privileges turned into a national clash clearing across America. Emily Leighton turned into another ground-breaking pioneer who was intensely impacted by the lady suffragists. From helping store the WON to leaving her Democratic spouse, Emily turned into a significant figure in the suffragist’s development just as a motivation to all women. Suffragists’ development. Carrie Chapman Cast of the NASA was just a pioneer by title, to by her activities. She adopted a progressively latent strategy to battling for woman’s rights that favored a state-by-state approach as opposed to passing a protected change. Her disparities with the more youthful activists caused struggle with the NP by shutting the D. C. Board of trustees alongside allegation of utilizing party consumptions. Cast debilitated the more youthful activists methods of increasing political consideration alongside their detachment of NASA into another woman’s suffragists party. Her job as a pioneer was just an impression of her capacity in NASA dissimilar to the youthful activists who battled with earth. Qualifier: Throughout history, pioneers rise when a fight is within reach. Nobody can declare oneself a pioneer. They are naturally introduced to this world, with a reason, and a reason. They show extraordinary characteristics which invigorates others. They impact people around them and give trust when there is none to be found. A pioneer will walk first into fight yet will be the last one to leave. Their motivation and boldness rouses others to battle the normal reason and to never surrender. Alice Paul is one of the numerous incredible pioneers that will be perceived in history until the end of time. The most effective method to refer to Iron Jawed Angels Toulmin, Papers
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Whats On Your Pull List August 5, 2015
Whats On Your Pull List August 5, 2015 My dear comic friends, forgive me. Because by the time this post runs, I will not have been to my LCS in almost a month. I KNOW. Its terrible. But somehow July got crazy, and sometimes my work schedule conflicts with their open hours, and [insert lots of other excuses here]. Which means Im gonna have a whopper of a pull list to pick up! Or at least, a whopper for me. After June, I decided to ditch everything Secret Wars-related, with the exception of Ms. Marvel and Infinity Gauntlet Im planning on trying to read everything else in trades if possible, or just borrow my friends copies, because talk about information overload. Which leaves me with . Lumberjanes #16 by Noelle Stevenson, Shannon Watters, Brooke Allen, Maarta Laiho, and Aubrey Aiese cover by Brooke Allen and Kat Philbin If there are not actual mermaids in the issue I will lose my mind, BECAUSE THIS COVER IS MY EVERYTHING. Im trying hard not to count down too much to Stevensons departure from Lumberjanes, but its hard not to have it in my head. Lets focus on the positive we still have #17, and the continuing mystery of Abigail, and I have a lot of faith that the team will continue to deliver amazing hijinks. Also for the record I am still dying to know who Jo is. Jem and The Holograms #5 by Kelly Thompson, Sophie Campbell, M. Victoria Robado, and Shawn Lee Can we talk for a second about this cover?? Because I am So Here for an actual Holograms v. Misfits food fight. And otherwise its an excellent visual metaphor. But I really want a real food fight. And also to know WHAT HAPPENS after the cliff-hanger in #4, because that was some serious drama. Wayward #10 by Jim Zub, Steve Cummings, and Tamra Bonvillain If you are not reading Wayward yet, this is NOT the place to start but it is the end of the second arc, which means a trade should be coming forthwith! And this second arc has been amazing. I wasnt sure how I felt about the introduction of a new main character, but the way that Zub and Cummings have pulled it all together is highly satisfying. The essays on Japanese mythology at the end of each issue continue to be great, and the world just keeps getting more and more interesting. (Not to mention more terrifying, because OMG spider monsters.) Ms. Marvel #17 by G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphona cover art by Kris Anka I just. Do I need to tell you how excited (and nervous) I am for this issue? That! Is! Carol! Danvers! Its the dream team, the uber-duo, the be all and end all of superhero match-up possibilities. Ok maybe not the be all and end all, Storm would have to be involved for that. But this comes PRETTY CLOSE and I will take it. What is going to happen to Captain and Ms. in the epic battle for New York?? Will I be able to stand the wait to find out?!??! ALKa;lskdjfaslghepoiahg;alskbasl;dkgjasdkjfhpeiwate;laskgjasvas! Sign up to The Stack to receive Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Behavior and Development of Children with Autism Spectrum...
This paper will review five studies concerning the behavior and development of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The studies investigate how autism effects communication, socialization, cognitive development, and a number of other areas. Researchers use many different types of scales to measure and compare the difference between children with ASD and typically developing children. Methodology Study 1 Morgan, Lindee, Wetherby, Amy M., Barber, Angie (2008) Repetitive and stereotyped movements in children with autism spectrum disorders late in the second year of life In this study there were three groups of children between 18 and 24 months of age participated. One group had Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), another group had†¦show more content†¦The families who met these criteria were then mailed packets of questionnaires and were scheduled for two visits. The first visit lasted 2-3 hours and assessed the child in a laboratory setting using the Mullen Scales of Early Learning, Imitation Battery (IB), and the Early Social Communication Scales. The second visit was about 2-4 hours in a home setting and was mainly and interview of parents, primarily mothers. The interviews and scales that this was based on measures social and communicative functioning, developmental functioning from birth to 5 years 8 months, scores gross and fine motor skills, visual reception, and receptive and expressive language. The interview with the parents assessed the children’s personal and social efficiency in communication, daily living skills, socialization, and motor skills. The packets measured between the ages of 8 and 16 months and were about vocabulary comprehension, production, and use of gestures. Study 3 Solomon, Marjorie, Ozonoff, Sally, Carter, Cameron, Caplan, Rochelle (2008) Formal Thought Disorder and the Autism Spectrum: Relationship with Symptoms, Executive Control, and Anxiety The sample of this study consisted of two groups of children aged 8-18 who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. They were recruited from the M.I.N.D. Institute (Music Intelligence Neural Development Institute).Show MoreRelatedAnalysis of â€Å"Behavior Predictors of Language Development over Two Years in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders†1505 Words  | 7 PagesThe scientific study, â€Å"Behavior Predictors of Language Development over Two Years in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders,†conducted by Karen D. Bopp, Pat Mirenda, and Bruno Zumbo was published in the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. This study was conducted in British Columbia, Canada from data retrieved from a database of another study. The goal of this study was to determine if certain types of behaviors often displayed by autistic children before intervention could be predictorsRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder and its Causes Essay906 Words  | 4 Pagesand fifty children was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Since then, there has been a drastic increase on the incidents of this disorder. In 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control, Autism spectrum disorder occurs in one out of eighty eight children. (CDC, 2013) That is a significant increase over a relatively short period of time. With such an increase, it is important to learn what autism spectrum disorder is and what might cause it. Autism spectrum disorder is the termRead MoreEarly Intervention is Crucial in Treating Autism Spectrum Disorder988 Words  | 4 Pageshas autism spectrum disorder†are words no parent wants to hear. They are words that will instill fear, worry, and sadness. When parents hear this for the first time, they will have many questions. â€Å"Is there anything I can do to help my child? If so, what can be done?†Early intervention services; such as applied behavior analysis therapy, occupational therapy, sensory integration therapy, and speech therapy before the age of three; can help improve the development of children with autism spectrumRead MoreAutism Spectrum1147 Words  | 5 Pagespertaining to autism is very broad and includes more than just autism itself. A child with an autistic disorder is hard to identify because autism is not easily seen. Autism is more of a mental and social disorder; it doesn’t really have anything to do with a physical outlook. The autism disorder doesn’t only deal with autism; there are five other primary disorders involved with autism. When screening a child for autism, they will find out if any other disorders should be diagnosed. Screening children forRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder and its Characteristics Essay1285 Words  | 6 Pagesand fifty children was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Since then, there has been a drastic increase of the incidence of this disorder. In 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control, autism spectrum disorder occurs in one out of eighty eight children. (CDC, 2013) That is a significant increase over a relatively short period of time. With such an increase, it is important to learn what autism spectrum disorder is and what might cause it. Autism spectrum disorder is the termRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Autism ) Essay1396 Words  | 6 PagesThe disorders listed under the umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorder, were once listed as autism and subtypes of autism. This was changed in 2013 when The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) was published, and they were listed under the umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorder. There are five disorders listed under the umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Rett Syndrome and Pervasive DevelopmentalRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1587 Words  | 7 Pages Topic: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Purpose: My audience will learn the importance of recognizing early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder in children. Thesis: It is important to understand the early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder, and why early intervention is the best treatment. Introduction: Gain/maintain attention There is a television show I like to watch called â€Å"The Big Bang Theory, maybe some of you have seen it. This show focuses on the relationships between a group of friends, someRead MoreThe Characteristics Of Autism Spectrum Disorders ( Asd )949 Words  | 4 Pages 1. What are the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)? As described in the textbook, there is a broad range of characteristics associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). One of the first characteristics noted with ASD is language deficits, or using language in â€Å"odd†ways. As stated in the textbook, â€Å"Children with classic autism may be nonverbal. Alternatively, they may have significant language difficulties, so that their language may consist primarily of echolalia or delayedRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder And Autism Essay1393 Words  | 6 PagesAutism is a neurological disorder with many forms and severities, better known as autism spectrum disorder, that begins early in childhood and lasts throughout the individual’s life. Autism spectrum disorder is defined as developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges (CDC). Previously, autism was recognized in distinct groups and types. Now, autism is referred to as a spectrum because there is an overl ap among all the different forms of autismRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder And Autism1389 Words  | 6 Pages Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism is a form of â€Å"ASD,†Autism Spectrum disorder and is experienced all around the world. Autism is a developmental disorder that consists of many neurodevelopmental disorders of the brain. People with autistic disorder think and act in different ways than most people. There are many different forms of autism spectrum disorder that include the pervasive development disorder, Asperger syndrome, and autistic disorder. These disorders are called spectrum disorders because
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Inventory Management in a Multinational Company - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 11 Words: 3367 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Inventory may be desirable, even necessary, for smooth operation and good customer service in many situations. For instance, inventory can be used to reduce the lead time to respond to customer demand, to smooth out the production rate when there are variations in demand, and to protect the company from underestimates of demand (forecast errors) or shortage of supply. Reasons such as these, plus the fact that inventory is considered an asset on a companys balance sheet, have led many companys to carry excessive amounts of inventory. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Inventory Management in a Multinational Company" essay for you Create order Some companies for example, the Japanese manufacturer Toyota, have become known for their ability to operate with low inventories and to achieve a high inventory turnover. (Inventory turnover is basically the ratio of sales to the average inventory level, both measured at cost or retail price.) The Japanese approach is to keep in process inventory low and to achieve quick flow of the product through the production cycle. Being able to respond quickly to demand, companies can work from a shorter range forecast, which is more accurate, so they need less safety stock to protect from uncertainty. [1] 2. Aims and objectives Inventory management is an important concern for managers in all types of businesses. For companies that operate on relatively low profit margins, poor inventory management can seriously undermine the business. The challenge is not to pare inventories to the bone to reduce costs or to have plenty around to satisfy all demands, but to have the right amount to achieve the competitive priorities for the business most efficiently. [2] Aims and objectives of this thesis are as follows: Deciding where to position inventory Determining when to replenish inventory Calculating how much to order Determining the placement of safety stock Refacilitating the use of business resources for profitable business results Ensuring the target level of inventory is available to support demand. 3. INVENTORY Inventory is defined as the stock of any item or resource used in organization [3]. An inventory system is a collection of people, equipment and procedures that function to keep account of the quantity of each item in inventory and to determine which items to buy or produce in what quantities and at what times. Even very simple method that accomplishes these functions cost money to operate. Some inventory system requires transaction reporting to keep track of every instance in which units are added to or taken from the existing inventory. This perpetual inventory records can be expensive, but the additional expense can be justified for products that are relatively expensive to hold in inventory 3. 1. CYCLE INVENTORY The portion of total inventory that varies directly with lot size, is called cycle inventory. Determining how frequently to order, and in what quantity, is called lot sizing, two principles apply. The lot size, Q, varies directly with the elapsed time (or cycle) between orders. If a lot is ordered every five weeks, the average lot size must equal five weeks demand. The longer the time between orders for a given item, the greater the cycle inventory. At the beginning of the interval, the cycle inventory is at its maximum or Q. at the end of the interval, just before a new lot arrives, cycle inventory drops to its minimum, or 0. the average cycle inventory is the average of these two extremes: Average cycle inventory = This formula is exact only when the demand rate is constant and uniform. However, it does provide a reasonably good estimate even when demand rates are not constant. Factors other than the demand rate also may cause estimating errors when this simple formula is used. 3.2. SAFETY STOCK INVENTORY To avoid customer service problems and the hidden costs of unavailable components, company holds safety stocks. Safety stocks inventory protects against uncertainties in demand, lead-time, and supply. Safety stocks are desirable when suppliers fail to deliver the desired quantity on the specified date with acceptable quality or when manufactured items have significant amounts of scrap or rework. Safety stock inventory ensures that operations are not disrupted when such problem occur, allowing subsequent operations to continue. Figure 1: Various types of Inventory To create safety stock, a farm places an order for delivery earlier than when the item is typically needed. The replenishment order therefore arrives ahead of time, giving a cushion against uncertainty. Inventory used to absorb uneven rates of demand or supply, which businesses often face, is referred to as anticipation inventory. Predictable, seasonal demand patterns lead themselves to the use of anticipation inventory. Anticipation inventory also can help when supply, rather than demand, is uneven. A company may stock up on a certain purchased item if its suppliers are threatened with a strike or have severe capacity limitations. 3.3. ANTICIPATION INVENTORY Inventory used to absorb uneven rates of demand or supply, which businesses often face, is referred to as anticipation inventory. Predictable, seasonal demand patterns lead themselves to the use of anticipation inventory. Anticipation inventory also can help when supply, rather than demand, is uneven. A company may stock up on a certain purchased item if its suppliers are threatened with a strike or have severe capacity limitations. 3.4. PIPELINE INVENTORY Inventory moving from point to point in the materials flow systems called pipeline inventory. Materials move from suppliers to a plant, from one operation to the next in the plant, from the plant to a distribution center for customer, and from the distribution center to a retailer. Pipeline inventory consists of orders that have been placed but not yet received. Pipeline inventory between two points, for either transportation or production, ca be measured as the average demand during lead time, , which is the average demand for the item period (d) times the number of periods in the items lead time (L) to move between the two points, or Pipeline Inventory = = dL. [2] 4. BATB Inventory Management There are some standard management theories as we described earlier in chapter two. The operational environment varies firms to firms, companies to companies. Based on the different varying conditions most companies do manage the inventory at their own. They do not follow exactly what the theory implies but analyzing the theories they go for the decisions that suit them most effectively and efficiently. The goal should not be to minimize inventory or to maximize customer service but rather to have the right amount to support the competitive priorities of the company. 4.1. BATB Inventory System BATB inventory system can be compared with a two-bin system in which an items inventory is stored at two different locations. Inventory is first withdrawn from one-bin. The two-bin system implies that if the first bin is empty, the second bin provides backup to cover demand until a reenlistment arrives [2]. BATB has the flexibility to locate their inventory at different points from supplier to warehouse at supplier premises which is very good advantage for a company. The demand manager and the MPS manager reviews the inventory positions on the daily basis and then go for receiving the lot from the pipeline inventory. This indicates that they are maintaining the pipeline inventory. It helps them reduce the lot size to be stocked at warehouse. BATB Inventory includes: Finished goods Bled sets Filter rods Wrapping materials Leaf Tax stamps Bandle rolls The study is mainly focused on the leaf. Because this is the major concern in any cigarette manufacturing company as it holds the maximum cycle time. We will work with the raw materials inventory. Mainly BATB has two types of materials. These are wrapping material and Tobacco. They receive raw materials from both local and foreign suppliers. Foreign suppliers are mainly from Brazil, Argentina, Canada, South Africa and Zimbabwe. For local suppliers average lead-time is 10 to 15 days and for the foreign suppliers lead-time is 90 to 120 days. Leaf is supplied by both the local and foreign supplier. But ignoring the local leaf as it takes less time, we will take the imported leaf in account to analyze. Leaf Strategy Leaf is an agricultural plant, which must be cultivated, and it needs certain period to get matured. Therefore the ordering policy of leaf is very time consuming. They have to place the order very early of the time it is needed to arrive. Suppose they need 1000-ton leaf in the month of April 2008, they inform their supplier right now that is in the month of April 2007, so that they can cultivate the leaf and then deliver. In addition, it is to be mentioned that just after the arrival in the warehouse the leaf is not as ready as to be used for production. It goes under another certain period of time for maturation and then is under for production. But if we talk about the lead-time it will include only the days between order placements to arrival at warehouse. 5. SAFETY STOCK Usually one does not know precisely the number of units that will be demanded each day during the lead-time. The duration of lead-time may have unexplained or unexpected variation. Demand can be thought of a probabilistic variable with some expected amount of demand during a period of time and unexplained variations about the expected value. If inventory could be replenished one a moments notice there would be no reason to be concerned about demand uncertainty. Whenever inventory reached zero, stock would be held again. With some lead time between the placement of an order an its arrival, however there is a chance that demand will be greater than expected and loss will be incurred due to stockout. When stockout costs are high and demand is very unpredictable, the financial risk is sizable. Safety stock is a means of protection against this risk. Safety stock (SS) is established simply by raising the reorder level above the expected lead-time demand. For probabilistic demand during le ad-time, the reorder level is given by the following equation where represents the mean demand per unit of time. [1] RL= ( ÃÆ'Æ’- LT) + SS Safety stock is the average amount one hand when replenishment orders arrive. Sometime demand during the lead-time is less than expected extra stock is on hand. Sometimes demand is greater than expected and some of the safety stock is used. 6. Methodology Step 1: Conducting a primary survey. Step 2: Preparing primary questionnaire Step 3: Modification of the questionnaire Open-ended questions: This type of questions found out the view of the decisions makers out for gathering information regarding the subject topic. Close-ended questions: These types of questions were designed to extract information which are related to the preparation of a realistic forecast: Step 4: Performing the case study and conducting the interview Step 5: Data processing and analysis 6.1 Demand Forecasting Strategy Demand manager receives the sales history of the previous 4/5 years. He observes the trend that every month undergoes. There are some seasonal impacts in the cigarette market. But overall the market is a stable one. Following the trend of previous 4/5 years and considering the marketing activities, the demand manager goes for a rolling forecast over the next 18 months. The term rolling here implies that the forecast is updated every month for the next 18 months. Stable Trend-up Trend-down Figure 2: Trends of Demand By this, the demand manager feels flexible enough to consider any new promotional activity or any assumption from the marketing department and any seasonal impact, which has not been included earlier. The main focus of forecasting is based on the trend. If the trend is decreasing the forecasted sales goes down and vice versa. 6.2. Findings Imported leaf stock: Year end 2008 imported leaf stock was 317 million Taka Average 2008 leaf stock was 334 million Taka (~ 4 months duration) Currently, they are following an inventory policy of maintaining a 90 day safety stock which varies in quantity and value terms over the year with fluctuation in demand. 7. ANALYSIS The assumptions presented in the chapter two have been considered applicable to develop the EOQ for the imported leaf. Considerations: Grade: AN30/104S Demand in Kg/Month: Annual Demand = 152000 Kg Holding Cost = 32 TK/ Kg Ordering Cost = 700 TK (Assumed) EOQ =ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬ Ã…Â ¡ (2DS/H) = ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬ Ã…Â ¡ ((2*152000*700)/32) =. 75Kgs Kgs 7.1 HOW MUCH TO ORDER The analysis shows that the company should order 2579 kg for the particular grade each time, a quality that should be result in 58.93 cycles per year. Actually, the equation derived doesnt result in actual lot size that must be ordered. This will help to manage lot size and inventory control. The current moves towards the inventory cost and quantities, stress the importance in reducing lot size. That means to reducing lot sizes is to reduce setup time and cost. When smaller lots are run, holding cost is reduced. The point is to understand the logic and where to apply it. The effect on order size resulting from reducing setup cost is shows in the following figure. When the setup cost is reduced, the total cost curve shifts from TC1 to TC2. Correspondingly, the EOQ is reduced from EOQ1 to EOQ2 and the maximum total cost is reduced from TC1min to TC2min.[3] Figure 6: Effect of reduced set up cost on order size and total cost 7.2. Reorder level The order quantity and reorder level are interrelated. A large order quantity causes fewer replenishment cycles with fewer exposures to stockout, so the reorder level can be reduced, and vice versa. Theoretically, we would have to find simultaneous solutions to equations for Q and RL to find their normal values. The value of D, S and H are only estimates, and the value of the EOQ will be approximate whether or not an adjustment is made for the expected stockout cost. Consequently, as often as done, we disregard the interrelationship between Q and RL. We solve for the EOQ, ignoring its effect on stockout cost, and then we find the best reorder level for this value of Q. Assumptions: Highest Service Level Factor corresponding to 99.99% satisfaction level used though recommended maximum level is usually 98%; this results in a more than 50% higher safety stock ii) Safety Stock calculated using standard deviation of actual demand rather than variance between forecast and actual giving higher levels of safety buffer. iii) Lead time taken to be 4 months for all grades whereas actual lead time is considerably less providing greater safety stock to cover variation in demand during lead time. Calculation: RL = L + z Where, RL =Reorder Point in Units, =Average Demand Per Time Period, L = Lead Time,Z = No. of Standard Deviation for a Specified Service Level,= Standard Deviation of Usages during Lead Time Annual Demand =152000 kgs Average Demand/Per Month =12666.66 L= 4 Months Z = 99.99% = ÃÆ' ƒd = ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬ Ã…Â ¡ (ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å" (di-dÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢) 2/12), in a range from i-1 to 12 =ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬ Ã…Â ¡ (31066666.66/12) =1609.00 Therefore, = =1609* =3218 From the above calculation RL can be determined as follows: RL = 12666.66 * 4 + 4*3218 =50666.64 + 12872 =63538.64 This says that when the stock on hand gets down to 60610.26 kgs order should be placed. 7.3. Level of Safety Stock Safety stock= =4*3218 =12872 It results to a safety stock of 31 days, as the daily demand is 416.43 kgs. But theoretically it is applicable for the particular grade. Though the other grades do not involve so much variation in their demand, considering some logistic capabilities for the overall improved leaf the proposed safety stock is 50 days. This will allow for flexibility during roll out of new safety stock polling while guarding against unanticipated changes in sales and supply scenarios. The reason for proposing this amount of safety stock is to protect much against the uncertainty of demand. Because there may be a situation that for a sudden change in demands the system may not be flexible enough to meet the change from the calculated safety stock. This is due to demand forecasting that takes place over a long period and the order is placed for a particular month very early of the situation it experiences the change in its demand. So immediately it is not possible for the system to respond the sudden change in demand. For this, proper level of safety stock should be placed in a company for its smooth operation. Another fact is that the lead time from order placement to arrival at warehouse involves some events over which the proper control is not possible. The following section represents the impact of reduction of safety stock and then the analysis of lead time is shown. It is to be mentioned that the more the lead times the more the level of safety stock. Therefor e the lead time calculation is an important factor for the placement of safety stock. 7.4. BENEFITS CALCULATION GRADE: AN30/104S Annual consumption = 152000kgs 90 days safety stock = 38000kgs 50 days safety stock = 21111.11 Therefore, WC Reduction = (38000-21111.11)*165 =2.78 million Taka 7.5. OFFSHORE STOCK COST CALCULATION Reduction in safety stock = 16888.89 kgs This amount of excess stock will be held at supplier premises for a maximum additional period of 12 months. Holding cost at BATB @ 12% = 16888.89ÃÆ'Æ’-135.11ÃÆ'Æ’-12% =273823 Taka Holding cost at supplier @ 7.2% + Excess Duty =16888.89 ÃÆ'Æ’- 135.11 ÃÆ'Æ’- 7.2% ÃÆ'Æ’- 1.22 =200439 Taka Therefore, Savings =73384 Taka 8. IMPACT OF REDUCED LEVEL OF SAFETY STOCK ON WC Proposed Safety Stock based on lead-time, variability in demand during 2006 and desired service level indicates a substantially lower requirement of safety stock even with very conservative assumptions Using 2007 volumes this would translate to reducing imported leaf stock from an average of 322.60 Million TK. to about 179.18 Million TK. Jan 08 Feb08 Mar 08 Apr 08 May 08 Jun 08 Aug08 9. LEAD TIME ANALYSIS It has been already mentioned that the more the lead time the more the safety stock. Lead time involves the total time from the order placement to arrival at warehouse Figure 7: Supply Lead Time We can develop a pie chart highlighting the time taken on a percentage basis by different events that take place from order placement to arrival at warehouse. Symbols Events Average % A TIME TAKEN BW ORD PLACE PRO INVOICE REC 14.75 7 B TIME TAKEN BW LC REQUIEST 10.93 5 C NO. OF DAYS SPENT B/W LC SHIPMENT DATE 38.90 19 D ARRIVAL IN CTG (ACTUAL SHIPMENT ETA CTG) 35.10 17 E DAYS REQD CTG TO ICD 6.05 3 F DAYS REQD ICD TO WAREHOUSE 8.58 4 Table 1: Lead Time Analysis The pie chart shows that a major part of the time from order placement to arrival at warehouse involves the events C and D over which the control cannot be held so easily. They involve some complex as well as time taking procedures. But in case of the rest of the events different action can be issued very effectively. Figure 8: Events placed on Warehouse (Percentage basis) In addition there are some recommendations for reducing the lead-time in the next chapter. 10. RECOMMENDATION As the analysis shows that the company can reduce the level of safety stock, the first phase of recommendation represents how it can be carried out and the later phase defines the steps, which should be proper monitored and controlled with a view to, maintain an optimized inventory management system. This will enable to obtain an effective safety stock level. Allowing Inventory Policy Exceptions for certain grades to satisfy requirements for blend changes and brain launches. Reviewing and improving the order tracking process as necessary. Monitoring orders, delivery performance and safety stock policy adhere continually. Gradually moving to safety stock of 2.5 months and then to 50 days, with 6 months duration difference. Holding the excess stock at the supplier premises. Locating the inventory at different points in the pipeline rather to hold much in the warehouses. The following steps should be performed in order to implement the recommend actions: Developing operational excellence in demand forecasting so that there will be fewer surprises. Cutting the lead-time to reduce the demand uncertainty during lead time. Reducing the supplier uncertainty. Supplier reliability can be increased by sharing the production plans with them, permitting them to make more realistic forecast. Improving the logistics capability by planning the infrastructure to meet demand, then implementing and controlling the physical flows of material and final goods from points of origin to points of use. 11. CONCLUSION It has been revealed that the traditional inventory management system needs some modification depending on the situation or the operating environment, while inventory is management by a company. The different inventory models provide a different set of capabilities and opportunities to exploit different competitive priorities. Some members of different industries and consulting firms have already started to criticize classical inventory models seem fashionable. But prior to the operating conditions different classical inventory models can be considered as the decision making tools that will enable a company to take its step under conflicting pressure. All the system needs is proper integration of operation and business. This will smooth the flow of information and thereby implementation of such models would be openhanded.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
HR Planning Free Essays
HR Planning: * The process for ensuring that the HR requirements of an organization are identified and plans are made for satisfying those requirements. * Planning for the personnel needs of an organization based on internal activities and external environment * How many people? What sort of people? Definitions: * HRP determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its goals. It is â€Å"the process of ensuring that the human resource requirements of an organization are identified and plans are made for satisfying those requirements†– Bulla Scott. We will write a custom essay sample on HR Planning or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is the process, â€Å"including forecasting, developing and controlling, by which a firm ensures that it has the right number of people and the right kind of people at the right places at the right time doing the work for which they are economically most useful†– E. B. Geisler. * It is a strategy for the acquisition, utilization, improvement and preservation of the human resources of an enterprise. It is the activity of the management to coordinate the requirements for and the availability of different types of employees. This involves ensuring that the firm has enough of the right kind of people at the right time and also adjusting the requirements to the available supply. Objectives of HR Planning: * To ensure quality and quantity of HR at the right time and the right place * To ensure optimum utilization of human resources * To avoid understaffing and overstaffing Importance: * Reservoir of Talent * Expansion/ Contraction * Cutting costs * Succession Planning MANPOWER PLANNING MAKES FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES AT DIFFERENT LEVELS: MACRO-LEVEL NATIONAL SECTOR – WISE INDUSTRY – WISE MICRO- LEVEL ORGANISATION LEVEL Organizational Objectives Policies: * Downsizing / Expansion * Acquisition / Merger / Sell-out * Technology up gradation / Automation * New Markets New Products * External Vs Internal hiring * Training Re-training * Union Constraints HRP includes four factors: * Quantity- How many people do we need? * Quality- Which skills, knowledge and abilities do we need? * Space-Where do we need the employees? * Time-When do we need the employees and for how long do we need them? Steps in HRP: * Forecasting future people needs * Forecasting the future availability of people * Drawing up plans to match supply with demand HR Demand Forecast: Process of estimating future quantity and quality of manpower required for an organization. * External factors – competition, laws regulation, economic climate, changes in technology and social factors. * Internal factors – budget constraints, production levels, new products services, organizational structure workforce factors. Forecasting Techniques: * Expert forecasts * Trend Analysis * Workforce Analysis * Workload Analysis * Job Analysis Supply Forecasting: * Internal Supply ( Skill Inventory) * Age, gender, education, experience, training, job assignments, past performance, future potential. External Supply Important barometers of Labor Supply: * Net migration into and out of the area * Education Levels of the workforce * Demographic Changes in the population * Technological developments and shifts * National and regional employment rates * Actions of competing employers * Govt. policies, regulations and measures * Economic forecasts for the next few years * Attractiveness of the area/ industry THE PROCESS OF HUMAN RESOUCE PLANNIG GENERAL OVERVIEW: BUSINESS STRATEGIC PLANS RESOURCING STRATEGY PLANNING DEMAND / SUPPLY FORECASTING MANPOWER TURNOVER ANALYSIS WORK ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS HUMAN RESOURCE PLANS OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS RESOURCING RETENTION FLEXIBILITY PRODUCTIVITY WORK ENVIRONMENT THE MANPOWER PLANNING PROCESS–FROM THE ORGANISATIONAL VIEW POINT: COMPANY OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIC PLANS MARKET FORECASTS PRODUCTION OBJECTIVES / CAPITAL PROCESS FINANCE PLAN MANPOWER ANALYSIS INVENTORY EMPLOYMENT PRODUCTIVITY ORGANISATION MANPOWER FORECASTS (FUTURE SITUATION) OVERALL UNIT BUDGET MANAGEMENT MANPOWER MANPOWER APPROVAL MANPOWER FORECAST FORECAST ESTIMATES TOP MANAGEMENT APPROVAL MANPOWER OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES MANPOWER PLANS AND PROGRAMMES RECRUITMENT SELECTION, CARER PLANNING, PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT, TRAINING, RETIREMENT ANALYSIS, REDUNDANCIES etc. Formulating HR Plans: * Recruitment Plans * Redeployment Plans * Redundancy Plans * Training Plan * Productivity Plan * Retention Plan Example of the Basic Human Resources Planning Model: Organizational Objectives Human Resource Requirements Human Resource Programs Feasibility Analysis 1 2 3 4 5 Example of the Basic Human Resource Planning Model: Open new product line Open new factory and distribution system Develop staffing for new installation Production workers Supervisors Technical staff Other managers Recruiting and training programs feasible Transfers infeasible because of lack of managers with right skills Recruit skilled workers Develop technical training programs Transfer managers from other facilities Develop new objectives and plans Recruit managers from outside Too costly to hire from outside 1 2 3 4 3 5 Forecasting as a Part of Human Resource Planning: DEMAND FORECASTING SUPPLY FORECASTING Determine organizational objectives Demand forecast for each objective Aggregate demand forecast Does aggregate supply meet aggregate demand? Go to feasibility analysis steps Choose human resource programs External programs Recruiting External selection Executive exchange Internal programs Promotion Transfer Career planning Training Turnover control Internal supply forecast External supply forecast Aggregate supply forecast No Yes Manpower flow in an organization: Inflow Outflow Job Transfers Job recruits Job Relocations Job Hopping Transfers(out) Retirement VRS Scheme Discharge/ Dismissal Termination of service Resignations HR Pool in the Organization Internal Labor Supply: * Analysis of Manning/ Staffing Tables. Replacement Charts- Present incumbents, potential replacements. * Skills Inventory-education, interests, experience, skills, etc. * Succession Planning. * Turnover Analysis. * Wastage Analysis- Retirements, resignation, deaths, dismissals- Labor turnover Index, Stability Index, etc. Trend Analysis: * Projections-Basing it on Organizational Sales * Workforce Analysis- l ast 5 years * Workload Analysis * Job Analysis Job Analysis: * A systematic process by which information is collected and analyzed with respect to tasks, duties and responsibilities of the jobs within the organization * Job Analysis: What is to be done? How is it to be done? * Under what conditions is the job to be done? * What skills, knowledge and competencies are required to perform the job? * Job Content: Duties, responsibilities, job demands, machines, tools, equipment, performance standard * Job Context: Physical, organizational ad social context, working conditions, work schedule * Human Requirement: Job related knowledge, skills, education, experience, personal attributes Components of Job Analysis: Job Description: written summary of the content and context of the job * Job Specification: Written statement of the knowledge, skills and abilities and other human requirements Questions in Job Analysis Interviews: * What is your job? * What are the major duties of your job? * W hat are the responsibilities of your job? * What physical locations do you work in? * Under what environmental conditions do you perform your job? * What are the skills, knowledge and experience requirements of your job? * What are the physical and emotional demands that the job makes on you? * What is the performance standards expected on your job? How to cite HR Planning, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
September 11th immigration Essay Example For Students
September 11th immigration Essay Due to the effects of September 11th, panic, xenophobia, and anti-Muslim sentiment has swept the nation. Recent hate crimes have been taking its toll on Muslims mosques, Arabs themselves, and even Sikhs, members of the Indian Sikh religion which have been mistaken for Muslims solely based on the fact that they both grow beards and wear turbans. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) said it had received reports of harassment of Muslim women and obscenities shouted on the street, bombings and arson attempts at mosques and beatings, death threats and possibly even killings. Public officials throughout the nation, including President George W. Bush, have called on Americans not to blame all people of Arab and Muslim backgrounds for the terrorist activities committed by specific individuals. Television news programs have received calls concerning the formation of more stringent laws concerning the United States immigration policy. If anything is to blame, its not Arab-Americans, its the immigration policy. Right now, the Canadian border poses an even greater threat than the border of Mexico involving terrorism. As of 1998, Canadian intelligence reported as many as 50 terrorist groups operating in Canada, which were engaged in smuggling, providing support for terrorist acts and providing transit to and from the United States. What the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Services) should do is to improve access to databases and info from the FBI and other intelligence agencies. The problem is that the INS has no way of identifying who has entered and who has left the United States. They have somewhat of an idea who enters, but theyre not as observant of the people who leave.
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